- We have one journal article accepted to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
- Orhan Torun has been selected to receive an OSA Foundation Student Travel Grant for Energy, Light, and the Environment. The grant recognizes promising individuals in the field and provides them with the opportunity to attend meetings to enhance their professional skills. Orhan will be attending the HISE conference in Germany. Congratulations to him.
- Our paper has been accepted as an oral presentation to be presented in HISE (Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment Conference) to be held in 14 - 17 November 2016, Leipzig, Germany.
- Sefa Kucuk, Kemal Gurkan Toker and Huseyin Emre Mutlu have been accepted to the UYGU 2016 summer school on high dimensional image analysis: radar and hyperspectral. They will be fully funded by the summer school to be held in Istanbul on 13-16 June, 2016.
- Kemal Gurkan Toker and Okay Arık have been accepted to the summer school on New Techniques on Machine Learning and Data Processing. They will attending the summer school in Ankara during 6-9 September, 2016.
- Slides from our "Deep Learning in Computer Vision" tutorial at SIU 2016 are now available online.
- We have two journal articles accepted to the International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering.
- We will be giving a tutorial on Deep Learning in SIU with Erkut Erdem, Aykut Erdem and Nazlı Ikizler Cinbis. See you in Zonguldak on May 16th, 2016.
- We will be attending SIU as Parrslab. We have 6 papers accepted.
- We have two papers accepted to IGARSS (IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium) with Gozde Bozdagi Akar, Hasan Irmak and Hakan Aytaylan. Hakan will be presenting the papers in Beijing, China.
- We have one paper accepted to SPIE. We will be presenting the paper in Baltimore, USA.
- Halit Bugra Tulay and Oguzhan Ozel have received the Tubitak Grant 2241-A – (Sanayi Odaklı Lisans Bitirme Tezi Destekleme Programı), with their project titled “A Study on Unmanned Air Vehicle based Multispectral Analysis (İnsansız Hava Aracı Tabanlı Multispektral Analiz Çalışması)”. Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers.
- Dr. S. Esen Yuksel has been accepted to the 2nd Summer School in Vision and Language that will take place at the University of Malta, March 2016. We would like to thank the iV&L Net for funding.
- Ahmet Karakaya has successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis on April 2016, titled “A Comparative Analysis and Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images”. Congratulations!.
- Our article has appeared on the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing journal.
- Dr. Yuksel has recevied the Tubitak Career Grant, starting September 2015 and to last for 30 months. It is titled “Fusion of Hyperspectral Imaging with LiDAR Data”.
- Erdinc Gunes has successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis on December 2015, titled “Finding the Endmembers And Proportion Values in Hyperspectral Images”. Congratulations!
- Mustafa Boyaci has successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis on December 2015, titled “Analysis Of Shadow Regions in Lidar And Hyperspectral Datasets”. Congratulations!
- Sefa Kucuk has successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis on July 2015, titled “Target Detection from Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Images”. Congratulations!
- Our popular science article “Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde Uzaktan Algılama Çalışmaları”, written by Dr. Yuksel, Sefa Kucuk, Erdinc Gunes, Mustafa Boyaci and Kemal Gurkan Toker has appeared in ELEKTRİK MUHENDİSLİĞİ on page 22-24, No: 454, July 2015.
- Sefa Kucuk and Dr. Yuksel will be attending the IEEE workshop on hyperspectral image and signal processing (WHISPERS) conference in Tokyo, June 2015. We have two papers accepted.
- Kemal Gurkan Toker will be attending the IEEE 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) in Malatya, 2015. We have three papers accepted.
- Dr. Yuksel will be attending the SPIE Defense and Security Conference in Baltimore, USA, in April 2015. We have three papers accepted.
- PARRSLAB (Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing Lab) is now in its new location at the 1st floor of the New EE Building.
- K. Gurkan Toker has been accepted to UYGU 2014 ( Uydu Yer Gözlem Uygulamaları Yaz Okulu), and will be fully funded by the summer school. It will take place on 23-27 June 2014.
- K. Gurkan Toker, Sefa Kucuk and Dr. Yuksel have joined the IGT-TUYGUN project starting March 2014 for 16 months. We will be doing research on hyperspectral image analysis.
- Sefa Kucuk will be presenting at SAVTEK, 7. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi, in June 2014. We have one paper accepted.
- Dr. Yuksel will be attending the IEEE 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) in Trabzon. We have one paper accepted.